

so i'm going home from the mall after getting my hair cut, figure i'll stop by the library since it's on the way home. i get out of my car, walking towards the library, when there's this loud crash behind me. i turn around and there's some sort of car accident on the street running in front of the library.

there was a guy standing outside talking on his phone, he tells them he has to go and he calls 911. i go over to see what, if anything, i can do. there's an SUV that's pretty much unharmed, and a car up on its driver-side door. the lady inside is kinda hysterical, but otherwise ok. people are already there calming her down, so i go to the end of the SUV and direct traffic around it until the cops show up.

i thought about sticking around to see what happened, but figured there were already more than enough extra people standing around that one more in the way wasn't what this situation needed. so i went to the library, looked around a bit, didn't find what i was hoping was in, and came home.


At 10/27/2005 01:23:00 AM, Blogger wicwit said...

And who said going to the library isn't exciting.

Glad to hear no one was seriously hurt.


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