
Ben Folds fuckin' Rocked this Bitch

even though he didn't play "Rock this Bitch," he did an on the spot "Omaha, I don't Rock this Bitch anymore" that was spectacular... so much to say... definitely one of the best concerts i've ever been to. even when you listen really closely, you don't quite realize how insanely furiously he pounds the piano. fingers, hands, arms moving so quickly over the keys. whole body in motion. keeping beat with his hand, his feet or even sometimes his knee. just flat out amazing.

and the opening guy, Chris Mills, was pretty good too. it was just him and his electric guitar on stage singing. i was definitely very impressed and highly recommend checking him out, i know i'm going to.

but back to Ben... i'm not sure how i missed some of this stuff, since i've done almost nothing but listen to Ben and Ben Folds Five for the last few weeks at work, home and in the car, but some of the songs just really struck home tonight.

like Narcolepsy, and how it's about (at least to me at this moment) falling asleep emotionally. something i can most definitely relate to. sometimes you just want to turn it all off. just have to to get through the day.

and his intro to The Ascent of Stan, about how it's about this guy who was all "down with the man!" but then someone offered him a bunch of money to be the man and how you can't really talk about anyone selling out or anything until you're in that situation and how it's often hard to hold on to your principles. just brought back some of the uneasy feelings i had when i first took my job here. i mean, i don't really do anything that violates my morals or spy on people or build bombs, but i do work on systems that help give information to the people who will decide to bomb and then to the ones who do the bombing. but the work i do helps to keep them safer from those we're fighting, so i'm kind of torn.

i want to write more, but i really should go back so i can go to europe tomorrow! :-)


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