
and you will know us by the trail of dead - monsoon

Pray to God
But I doubt that he's listening
This world is a gutter
That he likes to piss in
not surprising that this is the part of the song that immediately jumps out at me, but why is that? why do i have this dislike (hatred? no, too strong a word) for religion? i believe there is something larger than we can know, so why is religion so horrible? i know i talked to julie about this the other night, but really that was drunk paul so i don't remember the details.

suffice it to say, i feel it was mostly having to do with the fact that religion brings a lot of baggage with it. perdisposed beliefs and ways of thinking/acting that i guess i'm just not comfortable with. which i think is where a lot of my hostility comes from. so many people now and as i was growing up who acted as if they were better simply because they went to church, when oftentimes they were some of the worst. yes, i know... really unique observation there, no one's ever thought that before. oh well, whatever.


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