
adult dinner party

so i had my first adult-like dinner party last night. was kinda cool. had cain, the kidd, edawg, bubba-dub and chris, friendy, and andrew over for steaks and beer. good damn stuff. of course i'm saying that because i prepared the steaks, so probably biased. and, of course, the beer was excellent. some john courage. asahi. mcewans. transatlantique kriek. shiner. fat tire. amber boch. easy street. cold stream porter. and the list goes on... and good shrimp cain bought at the hippy store (also where the steaks came from).

was definitely a good night. sat around and talked. looked back at all the foolish things we and others did in college. laughed. only sort of downside was when the talk turned (as it seems to always with edawg when she's around old college friends) to tracie. how she's off the deep-end with "alex" and all that. just sorta bothers me. not sure if it's cause i think tracie's better than that or what, but just doesn't sit well. probably the usual leftover lingering feelings for someone you always carry with you afterwards. whatever it is, just don't like it when she's ripping into her. especially since she claims to be friends with her. i don't doubt she is, but it just.. doesn't seem like what you do to friends.

but can't let that spoil what was an excellent night. sure, it wasn't all i'd expected it to be and was surprised that cain and the kidd (with andrew) went back to ames cause the kidd wanted to go to some graduation party or something... but still a damn good night.


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