
30 days

after driving home in my nice car listening to my mp3 player, i cracked open another pricey fancy beer (after going out to pricey fancy dinner and then drinking more pricey fancy beer while we watched the team america dvd on terry's big screen tv) to sit in my wonderful leather couch and watch my tivoed 30 days. the new series from the guy who did supersize me. this episode was on living on the minimum wage for 30 days and how they barely made it. yes, i'm sure it was a slightly more dramatized version so it would make good tv... but i bet for many people it's still worse than what they showed. just sickens me. and makes me sad at the same time. and yet, what will i do about this? nothing. which sickens and saddens me even more. and to think, i was complaining about working almost 60 hours this week while only being able to charge 40 since they cut off overtime... stupid mother fucker who doesn't realize how good he's got it...


At 6/30/2005 03:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you get to be fancy Paul! Such a masculine word. I'm sorry you work so much. You should get another raise for putting up with everything!


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