

went back to ames this weekend for homecoming... and lost my voice. but we'll get to that later. i had friday off, so i was lazy and tagging mp3s/watching tivo most of the day. barely showered in time for emily to come pick me up, and then wait as i had to pack cause i'm slow and procrastinate.

get to ames like 6:15ish, head straight to la fuente where emily and martha have accepted the monster challenge. fairly large group, as always, so it takes a bit to get a table. when we do, they go to work on their first monster, with julie helping martha quite a bit. meal goes by, pretty unenventful. the girls both get their second monster down (martha with even more help from julie), and we're set to leave. then, well, emily has a small mishap paying...

so we go back to julie's house to change and drop off our stuff before heading out to the bar to meet up with all the many folks in town for homecoming. many a drink is had, many a story told, many a laugh shared. in short, good times had by all.

saturday morning, after an hour and a half of sleep, peter and i hit up tip top for the (apparently) game day ritual of 6am chili and beer. which leads to wonderful discussions about art, politics, literature, people, anything really. and on to tailgating at 8. neil shows up, we tailgate more then hit up the game around 1. good game, glad we finally pulled off a win. time to celebrate with more drinking. a little tamer time at club 8 chillin with The D, sean, alison, emily, julie and some (possibly aspberger suffering) sig-eps. all in all, ends up to be about a 20 hour day for me.

when you look at it, all things considered, only losing my voice isn't so bad. how i manage to keep doing this shit every weekend is beyond me. go, drunk paul, go!


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