
all your hard work will soon pay off

claims the fortune cookie i got at lunch today. do i believe it? maybe. still not wanting to get my hopes up though. seems like every time i think the work is over, it just comes back again. and even when it's not work, it's any number of other things.

like tonight when i was actually going to get to come home from work at a decent time there was the massive storm that kept me at work another half hour or so. and when i did get home, the power went out so i couldn't make dinner. so, of course, i sit out on my deck having a couple beers and reading... then come in and lay down on my bed for a minute and pass out for a couple hours (couple beers on empty stomach probably not so smart). i wake up feeling like i crap like i always do when i take a nap like that and now i probably won't get to slelep forever tonight.

so yeah, hard work paying off? let's hope so, but i'm not getting my hopes up.


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