

i am just so completely, utterly bored with life. nothing here excites me anymore. i have nothing to look forward to. i wake up (usually late), go to work, stare at a computer maybe doing a little work that doesn't really interest me, then come home to scrape together some sort of dinner from leftovers and whatever i have, followed by a night of watching tivo, surfing the net, maybe a random IM or two, then to bed too late and the cycle repeats endlessly with little variation. it's just gotten to the point where i don't care about anything. can't bring myself to clean the dishes that have occupied my kitchen counter and sink longer than i care to think about. can't ever convince myself to go to bed at a "decent" hour. right now, i can't make myself pack to go to ames (yet again, that's three in a row) for the weekend. just absolutely overwhelmed with apathy. i know i'm gonna pay for it in the morning when i haven't slept enough (which i'm sure contributes to this cycle), or when i'm running late on the way to work or back here to pick up (hopefully) my 80s velour jumpsuit for halloween before getting emily. just don't care. couldn't even finish shaving cause i didn't care, hadn't all week so why now? guess this isn't really helping the situation any, so might as well go see if i can't at least finish that, and maybe get something else knocked out. just so, blah. why bother.


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