
Robert G. Ingersoll's Christmas Sermon (1891)

The good part of Christmas is not always Christian -- it is generally Pagan; that is to say, human, natural.

Christianity did not come with tidings of great joy, but with a message of eternal grief. It came with the threat of everlasting torture on its lips. It meant war on earth and perdition hereafter.

It taught some good things -- the beauty of love and kindness in man. But as a torch-bearer, as a bringer of joy, it has been a failure. It has given infinite consequences to the acts of finite beings, crushing the soul with a responsibility too great for mortals to bear. It has filled the future with fear and flame, and made God the keeper of an eternal penitentiary, destined to be the home of nearly all the sons of men. Not satisfied with that, it has deprived God of the pardoning power.

And yet it may have done some good by borrowing from the Pagan world the old festival called Christmas.

Long before Christ was born the Sun-God triumphed over the powers of Darkness. About the time that we call Christmas the days begin perceptibly to lengthen. Our barbarian ancestors were worshipers of the sun, and they celebrated his victory over the hosts of night. Such a festival was natural and beautiful. The most natural of all religions is the worship of the sun. Christianity adopted this festival. It borrowed from the Pagans the best it has.

I believe in Christmas and in every day that has been set apart for joy. We in America have too much work and not enough play. We are too much like the English.

I think it was Heinrich Heine who said that he thought a blaspheming Frenchman was a more pleasing object to God than a praying Englishman. We take our joys too sadly. I am in favor of all the good free days -- the more the better.

Christmas is a good day to forgive and forget -- a good day to throw away prejudices and hatreds -- a good day to fill your heart and your house, and the hearts and houses of others, with sunshine.



don't know how they do it, but seems like there's always a postsecret or two that i can relate to... and some that just make me smile (cause i relate to them too)


funny spammer emails

so i've gotten a few spams lately that have had "from" names that are just great, so i figured i'd post them up here and just update this as i get more.
  • Discrepancy L. Cockfight
  • Abusiveness P. Gypsum
  • Contaminants L. Cleanup
  • Shiftiness D. Counter
  • Training S. Dortmund
  • Nepal M. Skill
  • Relativity J. Cassette
  • Vim C. Tempest
  • Peni Stickle
  • Fresno J. Inconclusively
  • Minted D. Authorizes
  • Writes H. Charmingly
  • Lit E. Winced
  • Volt H. Kerouac
  • Inestimably E. Wheat
  • Backstopped U. Computations
  • Remitting S. Foolisher
  • Truly S. Britons



another postsecret that really just connects because it's exactly how i felt on april 16, 1991 when Ross died of SIDS.



so anna just called my cellphone... and i couldn't bring myself to pick up... too afraid. fucking idiot i am. didn't leave a message. now i have the dilemma of deciding to call her back tomorrow or not. especially since the last time we "talked" was me leaving her what i can only assume was a horrible, mean, drunk dial voicemail. hurray for classy paul.


i love to commute

it was amazing. i didn't sleep late today. actually woke up before my second alarm, even though i don't remember the first going off. was all showered and out the door before eight, would've been here just a little after 8... and then i got stuck in traffic and just got here now. one little 2 car accident off to the left side on 75 by the F Street exit backed up traffic all the way to chandler. i'm so fucked when it starts to snow and people really forget how to drive. i'll never be able to make it in here in less than 30 minutes... hurray for suckitude!